Turkish For Foreigners

First of all, for the foreign students who will to have Turkish lessons we choose the most suitable teacher in our database and arrange a meeting with the student. Our teachers inform the student about their educational plan and the students can decide on their lessons after the briefing. Our Turkish teachers are experienced and speak at least one foriegn language. During the education our consultants follow the progress of the students and with the feedbacks from both the teachers and the students we provide the most productive educational progress possible.
There are lots of foreigners living in Turkey who work in different areas and to ease their daily lives they seek for Turkish education.
The students who go to courses or take private lessons use English as their common language with the teachers if it is necessary. Nevertless if the teacher doesn’t speak English unless it is necessary the student will have to use Turkish more.
Private lessons are more effective than courses. The students can practice their speaking more and progress in a much shorter period. Even though the language families differ with the help of professional teachers the students may progress smoothly and quickly.
Similar to all language lessons Turkish lessons for foreigners must include all language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) simultaneously. Adequate resources and professional teachers are necessary for an effective learning progress.

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